you must read this first :
U.S. $ 5,000 prize for the iPhone 4G Inventors
Apple communications company offering a reward of U.S. $ 5,000, or approximately USD 50 million to Gizmodo who claimed to find the original model iPhone 4G smartphone at the bar near the Apple headquarters in San Francisco, United States, Tuesday (20 / 4).
Earlier, Vice President of Apple's iPhone prototype Gray Powell lost while resting at the bar. "Apple has sent an official letter to Gizmodo, so he returned the phone," said Powell.
Conversely, Gizmodo approve the refund request to Apple's devices. He also said that the letter is a formal recognition that the prototype device is the latest generation iPhone in his hands.
and now:
Police raid home of technology journalist over 'stolen' iPhone 4G prototype
Steve says computers and other devices owned by Chen allegedly been used for cyber crime. Currently the computer expert team was examining closely a number of these devices. Not only that, they also see all credit card transactions Chen.
Last week, Gizmodo became most heated discussion among bloggers. The site posted a gadget that looks like Apple's next-generation iPhone. The item was found in a bar in Redwood City and sold to Gizmodo by a stranger at U.S. $ 5,000 for the iPhone 4G Inventors
After Chen put up pictures and details about the iPhone, the Apple confirmed that it is theirs. Gizmodo was then replaced. However, until Tuesday (27 / 4), Apple spokesman Steve Dowling has not given any information related to confiscation of personal belongings Chen
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